Quality Policy

Quality Policy

Quality Policy

Quality Policy

Last Updated: 25 Mar, 2023

Last Updated: 25 Mar, 2023

Last Updated: 25 Mar, 2023

Last Updated: 25 Mar, 2023

MELIOS Limited is an independent and innovative Technical and Enterprise Risk Management Services and Solutions Company. We provide our services and products to our clients in an unbiased, well researched, timely, world-class quality advice and solution, and as such we are committed to abiding by these virtues and principles that define who we are as a company.

We are committed to meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, continual improvement of the Quality Management system (QMS), customer satisfaction and compliance with relevant regulations and industry standards.

MELIOS Limited has established a Quality Management System that shall ensure adherence to client’s requirements;

• Is appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization and supports its strategic direction.

• This policy provides framework for Setting of Quality objectives at corporate and functional levels. The quality management system is supported at all the levels of the management, and all personnel are required to operate strictly within the provision of the Quality Management System.

• All clients’ commitment as well as all services rendered by MELIOS Limited is recognised as expressions of quality.

• MELIOS Limited shall monitor its performance regularly and strive for continual improvement of its product and services and the QMS processes by constantly reviewing this policy.

It shall be the responsibility of the management of MELIOS Limited to ensure the implementation of the quality Management System, Quality Policy and procedures. We shall ensure that the quality Policy is communicated and understood at all levels of our organisation.