Applied Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA)
Course Description
In the oil and gas industry, QRA is used extensively to evaluate overall risk associated with major hazards such as fires and explosions. It is also used to evaluate the benefits of engineering upgrades to safety systems. Traditionally, it has been the domain of specialist consultants, however, increased familiarisation with the techniques involved has resulted in engineering companies becoming more confident in using QRA to support their engineering activities and design decisions. The hazards that are analysed in a QRA are generally Major Accident Hazards.
The course is intended for those who have little or no knowledge of QRA or for those who wish to refresh and extend their knowledge. Its overall aim is to provide delegates with the skills to perform simple QRAs and be able to understand the processes used to perform such calculations.
The training course will expose participants to the principles of QRA, its use and the role it plays in the management of major accident hazards. It will equip delegates with the knowledge and skill necessary to undertake this vital risk analysis technique. The elements that make up QRA will be defined with practical industry example and exercises administered to allow appreciation of each element and its use.
Target Audience
Beneficiaries from this course would include:
⦿ Safety Managers and Supervisors
⦿ Technical and Process Safety Engineers
⦿ Graduates with science or engineering background
⦿ Anyone with interest in quantitative risk assessment technique
Course Duration
The training will be delivered over a period of 5 working days from Monday to Friday. This is necessary to ensure all topics and associated exercises are adequately covered at the appropriate level. Delegates are therefore required to attend the entire duration of the program to gain full appreciation of the topics and to equip them such that they are able to confidently apply the knowledge and make value-adding contribution on projects.
Learning Outcomes
✓ The principles, purpose and scope of QRA;
✓ The stages required to perform a QRA;
✓ The relevance and significance of the calculated risk indices;
✓ The evaluation of risk reduction measures;
✓ The conclusions drawn from the QRA;
✓ The role of QRA in the decision-making process;
✓ And to undertake simple QRA work.