Fundamentals of Technical Safety
and Risk Management
Course Description
Technical Safety comprises a set of discrete elements that are applied in the field of risk analysis and management to help identify, understand and evaluate risks, and to specify solutions necessary to manage such risks. These elements can be applied as standalone or collective tools or technique to achieve assurance across all project phases (feasibility/ concept, front end and detailed design, construction/ commissioning) and or operational lifecycle of assets.
The course aims to provide an understanding of vital Technical/ Process Safety Engineering principles in a structured and logical sequence that shows how the different elements of Technical Safety align and complement each other.
It describes how, when and where each Technical/ Process Safety element can be applied, their limitations, and how they fit into the overall risk management process. Practical examples and exercises are given to help participants grasp the concept governing each of these elements. One vital aspect of the training is the identification of safety critical element and development of performance standards for safety critical systems. Delegates are not just taught how to undertake this activity but the principles underpinning the concept and its applicability to all parts of an organization where risks exist, and even to personal safety.
The final aspect of the course gives an insight into Process Safety Management including OSHA 14 and 22 Safety Case development. It outlines and explains how the content of a Safety Case should be structured; drawing on examples from established formats, it describes the purpose, benefits, and current best practices. Furthermore, it details the requirements driving the use of this vital document in different geographical jurisdictions.
Target Audience
Beneficiaries from this course would include:
⦿ Safety Managers and Supervisors;
⦿ Technical and Process Safety Engineers;
⦿ Verification and compliance coordinators;
⦿ Project Managers
⦿ Operations and maintenance personnel and supervisors
⦿ Asset integrity engineers and managers
⦿ Project engineers and discipline engineers
⦿ Graduates or recent hires with science or engineering background.
⦿ Anyone looking to gain an appreciation for process and technical safety.
The training programme provides a good appreciation of Technical Safety and Safety Case Development. Each Technical Safety elements examined in the course content merits a dedicated training session to cover their entire scope thus only the fundamentals are covered.
Course Duration
The training will be delivered over a period of 5 working days from Monday to Friday. This is necessary to ensure all topics and associated exercises are adequately covered at the appropriate level. Delegates are therefore required to attend the entire duration of the program so as to gain full appreciation of the topics. It will also equip participants such that they are able to confidently apply the knowledge and make value-adding contribution or decisions on projects.
Learning Outcomes
⦿ Understand the background to the development of Technical & Process Safety Engineering and the different terminologies used or misconstrued with the discipline
⦿ Gain sound understanding of the different elements of Technical Safety and their application;
⦿ Understand technical safety inputs/requirements at each stage of a project lifecycle from concept, design through to operation, and decommissioning
⦿ Gain basic understanding of fire and explosion studies and QRA, their application, and how to interpret and apply their results.
⦿ Be able to advise on the type of formal safety assessment technique best suited at different stages of a project and actively contribute to and take part in such assessments
⦿ Understand the principle of ALARP and other risk reduction approaches, how and when they can be applied
⦿ Be able to identify safety critical elements, understand how performance standards are developed and used, how safety critical faults or failures are defined and should be recorded, and how the concept of SCE and Performance standards aligns with maintenance management system;
⦿ Understand the basics of Process Safety Management and how it relates to Technical Safety
⦿ Appreciate the purpose and benefit of a Safety Case, knowledge of its compilation and structure to meet and satisfy regulatory and/or best practice requirements in different geographical locations.